VanDuinen v S-2 Yachts, Inc – 10.08

By | August 26, 1986

VanDuinen v S-2 Yachts, Inc
Digest no. 10.08

Section 29(1)(a)

Cite as: VanDuinen v S-2 Yachts, Inc, unpublished opinion of the Alpena Circuit Court, issued August 26, 1986 (Docket No. 85-007113 AE (F)).

Appeal pending: No
Claimant: Thomas VanDuinen
Employer: S-2 Yachts, Inc.
Docket no.: B84-07402-R01-98084
Date of decision: August 26, 1986

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CIRCUIT COURT HOLDING: Standing alone, a personality conflict between a claimant and his supervisor will not support a finding of good cause to leave work.

FACTS: Claimant was a supervisor in charge of materials handling. Prior to his separation, the claimant had several meetings with a personnel official regarding a personality conflict which existed between himself and his immediate supervisor, the vice president of operations. Despite his meetings the conflict went unresolved. As a consequence, the claimant left his employment.

DECISION: The claimant is disqualified for voluntary leaving.

RATIONALE: Employees often disagree with management’s philosophies and orders. These disagreements occasionally stem from personality conflicts. Personality conflicts are common in the work place and in every day life. Good cause can “only be established when the external pressures are so compelling that a reasonably prudent person, exercising ordinary common sense and prudence, would be justified in quitting work under similar circumstances. These situations occur when there is discrimination, sexual harassment, abusive language accompanied by additional mistreatment, illegal or unethical practices by the employer, or the like.” The personality conflict in the instant case does not rise to such a level.

Digest Author: Board of Review (original digest here)
Digest Updated: 7/99