Wasolaskus v Tom’s Grandville Station – 10.21

By | August 21, 1978

Wasolaskus v Tom’s Grandville Station
Digest no. 10.21

Section 29(1)(a)

Cite as: Wasolaskus v Tom’s Grandville Station, unpublished opinion of the Michigan Employment Security Board of Review, issued August 21, 1978 (Docket No. FSB76 13211 55248).

Appeal pending: No
Claimant: Dennis Wasolaskus
Employer: Tom’s Grandville Station
Docket no.: FSB76 13211 55248
Date of decision: August 21, 1978

View/download the full decision

BOARD OF REVIEW HOLDING: A seventeen (17) percent reduction in wages is good cause for voluntarily leaving part-time work.

FACTS: The claimant was a part-time attendant at a filling station. He worked 20 hours per week at $2.50 per hour. The claimant’s pay was subsequently reduced about $40.00 per month by his removal from the Saturday work schedule. The claimant resigned as a result.

DECISION: The claimant is not disqualified for voluntary leaving.

RATIONALE:Jack Desser, d/b/a/ Jack Desser Biscuit Company v Appeal Board, Wayne County Circuit Court, No. 324-748 (July 5, 1962), held that a ‘substantial reduction’ in wages can constitute ‘good cause’ for quitting one’s employment. The ‘substantial reduction’ in Desser consisted of a 20 percent reduction in claimant’s gross commissions. The curtailment of hours imposed by employer upon claimant in this case would have reduced his income by approximately 17 percent if he had continued his employment. The reduction in wages was ‘substantial.’

“The part-time nature of claimant’s employment does not, per se alter the substantiality of the reduction in claimant’s wages.”

Digest Author: Board of Review (original digest here)
Digest Updated: 11/90