Section 18(d)(2)

By | July 28, 1900

Section 18(d)(2)

“If at least 1 but fewer than all of the applicable quarterly reports of wages and contributions due with respect to the 12-month period ending on the computation date have been filed by an employer, the employer’s experience component shall be set so that his or her contribution rate for the calendar year affected shall be the rate set in accordance with section 19(a), and in addition a penalty of 3% of wages paid to an individual with respect to employment, subject to the taxable wage limit, shall be imposed on the employer. The commission shall calculate the rate using the information filed by the employer for the quarter or quarters reported. If none of the applicable quarterly reports of wages and contributions due with respect to the 12-month period ending on the computation date have been filed by an employer, the employer’s experience component shall be set so that the employer’s contribution rate for the calendar year affected shall be not less than the highest rate applicable to the number of years of the employer’s contribution liability in accordance with section 19(a), and in addition a penalty of 3% of wages paid to an individual with respect to employment, subject to the taxable wage limit, shall be imposed on the employer. An employer whose contribution rate and penalty have been determined under this section may have his or her contribution rate redetermined in accordance with section 19(a) and may have his or her penalty redetermined and removed if the employer files all of the missing reports not later than 30 days after the date of mailing of the notice of determination of contribution rate. An employer who files all of the missing reports after the 30 days but not later than 1 year after the date of mailing of the determination of contribution rate and penalty shall have his or her contribution rate redetermined in accordance with section 19(a) and shall have his or her penalty redetermined to 2%. However, if the commission finds that the employer had good cause for filing the missing reports after the 30-day period but within 1 year, the commission shall redetermine the employer’s contribution rate in accordance with section 19(a) and shall redetermine and remove the penalty. The commission may by rule prescribe good cause reasons for removing the penalty. Notwithstanding section 32a, if the employer files all of the missing reports after 1 year, good cause shall not be considered, but the employer’s contribution rate shall be redetermined in accordance with section 19(a) and the employer’s penalty shall remain at 3%. A penalty paid by an employer pursuant to this section shall not be credited to the employer’s experience account nor to the unemployment compensation fund. The penalty shall be credited to the interest and penalty account of the contingent fund. A contribution rate for a tax year may not be redetermined under this subsection if the missing reports for that year are received more than 3 years after the rate determination for the year is issued with respect to taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 1991.” from Michigan Legislature

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