Dombeck v. Special Mold Engineering, Inc. – 13.26

By | April 14, 2005

Dombeck v. Special Mold Engineering, Inc.
Digest No. 13.26

Section 421.29(1)(e)

Cite as: Dombeck v Special Mold Engineering, Inc, unpublished opinion of the Maycomb County Circuit Court, issued April 14, 2005 (Docket No. 2005-000 1-AE).

Appeal pending: No
Claimant: Max T. Dombeck
Employer: Special Mold Engineering, Inc.
Docket no.: 2005-000 1-AE
Date of decision: April 14, 2005

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HOLDING: When a claimant is offered the same position with identical pay, benefits, and work hours from an employer he previously worked for 7 months prior, after being laid off from his most recent employer, that offered position constitutes an offer of suitable employment. Further, not having adequate time to pursue alternate job options does not constitute good cause for refusal of suitable employment.

FACTS: Claimant was employed as a metal mold builder with Special Mold Engineering (SME). Claimant left SME to accept employment at another company because the new job provided day shift work, it was closer to home, it paid more money and would offer him opportunities for advancement. Claimant was laid off from employment on June 11, 2003 due to circumstances beyond his control. Claimant applied for unemployment benefits on June 12, 2003. On July 15, 2003, SME offered claimant his old job back, at the same rate of pay, with the same benefits, and with sufficient work hours. Claimant ultimately turned down the job offer because be felt “it was too soon for me to come back without being able to seek further employment with the, the new skill that I’ve learned.” Claimant was subsequently denied unemployment benefits under the refusal of suitable employment provision, MCL 421.29(1)(e)

DECISION: The MES Board’s decision was not contrary to the great weight of the evidence, finding that claimant was disqualified for unemployment benefits under MCL 421.29(1)(e).

RATIONALE: Claimant was offered suitable employment: a full-time job for which he was qualified at the same rate of pay he had been earning when he had left employment some 7 months prior, vacation pay and health benefits. Further, good cause for refusing to accept the offer of employment has not deem demonstrated. Although claimant stated he had not had enough time to find other employment, there is nothing to say that he could not have sought other employment while being employed. Claimant expressed some doubt about SME’s stability insofar as it had laid off some 20 employees and had cut hours shortly before he quit, but it is reasonable to assume that because they wanted to rehire him in July, the economic climate had changed for the better for SME, whereas, the new company had to lay off claimant due to an economic downturn, and there was no guarantee that claimant would be rehired.

Digest Author: Cydney Warburton, Michigan Law, Class of 2017
Digest Updated: 3/27/2016