Walters v Kelsey Hayes Wheel Co – 4.08

By | January 31, 1980

Walters v Kelsey Hayes Wheel Co
Digest no. 4.08

Section 48

Cite as: Walters v Kelsey Hayes Wheel Co, unpublished opinion of the Wayne Circuit Court, issued January 31, 1980 (Docket No. 74 005517 AE).

Appeal pending: No
Claimant: Johnnie Walters
Employer: Kelsey Hayes Wheel Co.
Docket no.: B73 1040 43943
Date of decision: January 31, 1980

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CIRCUIT COURT HOLDING: Back pay received as the result of a Civil Rights Commission settlement agreement more than one year after benefits are paid, is remuneration under Section 48 of the Act and is good cause for redetermination of the claimant’s eligibility.

FACTS: The claimant filed a complaint with the Michigan Civil Rights Commission in July, 1967, following his discharge by the employer. “On September 29, 1972, claimant and employer settled the Civil Rights claim by a stipulation which provided that the employer pay to the claimant back pay totaling $9,897.75.” “On October 30, 1972, employer notified the MESC of the stipulated settlement and requested a redetermination of claimant’s eligibility for benefits.”

DECISION: The back pay is remuneration under the Act.

RATIONALE: “The Commission held that inasmuch as more than one year has elapsed since the time the benefit payments were paid, the Commission lacked jurisdiction to redetermine claimant’s eligibility.

“The Referee reversed the Commission.”

“The transcript of the proceedings before the Referee on February 28, 1973, makes it clear that the settlement of $28,609.31 specifically included $9,897.75 as back pay for the time which claimant had drawn unemployment.”

Digest Author: Board of Review (original digest here)
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