Detroit Medical Center Corp v Yff – 17.13

By | June 18, 1998

Detroit Medical Center Corp v Yff
Digest no. 17.13

Sections 42, 43(o)

Cite as: Detroit Medical Center Corp v Yff, Emmet Circuit Court, No. 97-4502-AE (June 18, 1998); lv den Mich App No. 213896 (December 30, 1998).

Appeal pending: No
Claimant: Michael Yff
Employer: Detroit Medical Center Corporation
Docket no.: L97-00001-2658
Date of decision: June 18, 1998

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CIRCUIT COURT HOLDING: Even though the primary function of the medical residency was to provide additional training, the claimant functioned as an employee. Furthermore, his services were not statutorily excluded.

FACTS: Claimant filed for unemployment benefits after completing his medical residency. He had worked for employer pursuant to a written contract for his services in exchange for compensation of $30,000+ per year with benefits. He was required by his contract to provide medical services to clients of employer at its facility.

DECISION: Claimant’s services are in covered employment under Section 42 and are not excluded under Section 43(o).

RATIONALE: Section 43(o)(5) does not apply to the claimant, claimant was not involved in an unemployment work-relief or work-training program financed by a governmental entity. Claimant worked under the express direction and control of the employer. Services provided by claimant fit the definition of employment in all pertinent respects.

Digest Author: Board of Review (original digest here)
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