Tag Archives: Fraud

Stein v MESC – 18.11

COURT OF APPEALS HOLDING: Employees of the Michigan Unemployment Agency may seek and execute search warrants when investigating fraud claims arising out of the Michigan Employment Security Act. That there is statutory authorization for the issuance of subpoenas does not bar the use of a search warrant in appropriate circumstances (e.g., fraud).

Sallmen v Danti Tool & Die, Inc – 18.10

Sallmen v Danti Tool & Die, Inc Digest no. 18.10 Section 62(b) Cite as: Sallmen v Danti Tool & Die, Inc, unpublished opinion of the Saginaw Circuit Court, issued September 8, 1986 (Docket No. 86-23988-AR-3). Appeal pending: No Claimant: Ermin Sallmen Employer: Danti Tool & Die, Inc. Docket no.: B85 09103 100921W Date of decision: September 8, 1996 View/download… Read More »

Pardon v MESC – 18.09

Pardon v MESC Digest no. 18.09 Section 62(b) Cite as: Pardon v MESC, unpublished opinion of the Wayne Circuit Court, issued November 8, 1984 (Docket No. 82-219 979 AE). Appeal pending: No Claimant: Larry A. Pardon Employer: Imperial Cab Docket no.: B79 16525 77987 Date of decision: November 8, 1984 View/download the full decision CIRCUIT COURT HOLDING: The claimant… Read More »

General Motors Corp v Belcher – 12.27

General Motors Corp v Belcher Digest no. 12.27 Section 29(1)(b) Cite as: General Motors Corp v Belcher, unpublished opinion of the Wayne Circuit Court, issued October 3, 1979 (Docket No. 78-832-459 AE). Appeal pending: No Claimant: Frank Belcher Employer: General Motors Corp. Docket no.: B77 3823 55598 Date of decision: October 3, 1979 View/download the full decision… Read More »

Sanders v MESC – 18.12

Sanders v MESC Digest no. 18.12 Section 62(b) Cite as: Sanders v MESC, unpublished opinion of the Wayne Circuit Court, issued April 30, 1957 (Docket No. 287-132). Appeal pending: No Claimant: Early Sanders Employer: Chrysler Corporation Docket no.: B56-769-18197 Date of decision: April 30, 1957 View/download the full decision CIRCUIT COURT HOLDING: The burden of establishing fraud by… Read More »